Art springs forth from the mind of man, its fantasy, its ability to discovery and invention, its basic desire to understand and to organize the multitude, and the growth of nature in systems of signs, volumes, and lines.

In short: to tranform and to translate the forces of nature into a pictorial being, a work of art.

When I first set eyes on the works ok silk, on canvas, and on paper by Galina Lorentzen, I was at once struck by the richness and the coherence in her pictures, and the delicacy and tenderness of the forms and colors.

This rare combination of technique and sensibility enables her, in her paintings, to portray the natural beauty and structures of things.

This great gift of talent is fully present in the “Red Series” (Transformations) and totally convincing in the horizontal work by its transparency and purity.

These paintings are like a breathing on the eyelid.

— Kjell Pahr Iversen

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